
Our animals

The Majestic Monarch Butterfly

The name “King of the insect world” is very apt for this magnificent butterfly. The Monarch Butterfly can do exceptional things even though it is a small creature. Its life cycle is a thing to behold: from a tiny egg to a caterpillar, transforming into a chrysalis, and finally into a beautiful butterfly. They migrate, […]

Animal Kingdom: Incredible Journeys

By land, by water or by air; these animals perform such incredible journeys for survival. From the, largest, biggest, smallest, fastest; the animal kingdom offers us thousands of interesting, fascinating, amazing or even strange facts. But do you know that some of these animals have to undergo and endure incredible journeys in order to survive […]

Interesting Facts About Butterflies

There are about 28,000 extant species of butterflies that are divided into 30 orders, the main basis of classification being their wing structure. Butterflies and moths belong to an order called Lepidoptera. Butterflies are found worldwide except in Antarctica. Butterflies’ sizes vary from a tiny 1/8 inch to a huge almost 12 inches. They have […]

12 Interesting Things About Dogs and Cats

You think you have enough knowledge about dogs and cats, then this post will prove you wrong. Most of us love dogs and cats and to show our affection, we are taking them as companion or pets. But did you know that these animals possess remarkable traits and behavior that we ought to know. You […]

10 Intriguing Animals Whose Names Start with The Letter B

A list of intriguing animals whose names start with the letter B. Nature presents us with beautiful, strange, odd and fascinating creatures. The animal kingdom itself has millions of amazing and special species that many of us have not known or seen. Below is a list of 10 intriguing animals that begins with the letter […]

Amazing Birds 4: The Raptors

They may come in different sizes but watch out these birds are skillful hunters. Birds of prey or Raptors are birds that primarily rely on their broad wings, strong beaks and talons, keen senses and good vision to hunt for prey. They may come in different sizes from the smallest (Elf owl) to the largest […]

Amazing Birds 3

Part three of a very interesting article about amazing birds. More and more people are enjoying my series of articles about amazing birds. Indeed, birds are magnificent creations of Mother Nature. These beautiful creatures truly add beauty and inspirations to our lives. These birds inspire poetry and art as well as giving us some form […]

There’s Something About These Dogs!

A list of dog breeds that possess strange behaviors, appearances and habitats. Dogs are such beautiful and unique animals, no wonder, they are seen in most houses as guardian dogs, hunting companions or just simply pets. But did you know that there are some dog breeds that are rare, strange or possess something unique. Here […]

10 Remarkable Animals Beginning with A

A list of popular animals whose names begin with the letter A. The animal kingdom comprises more than two million species; some beautiful and colorful while others are odd-looking and bizarre. If you are asked to name 10 popular animals that starts with A, how would you do it? Below is my own list of popular […]

10 Sturdy and Hardy Russian Dog Breeds

Looking for muscular and tough dog breed? These Russian dogs have the qualities you are looking for and have what it take to be a good companion pet or an ever-alert guard dog! Read on to learn more about the 10 sturdy and hardy Russian dog breeds. Check out each breed profile. Aside from being […]