
Our animals

10 Extraordinary Looking Madagascan Creatures

The African island of Madagascar is home to a wide variety of wildlife. Here are 10 extraordinary looking creatures that inhabit the island. Madagascar is home to hundreds of fascinating, colorful, bizarre, endangered , rare and extraordinary looking animal life. Read on to learn new facts about 10 extraordinary looking Madagascan creatures. Aye-aye photo link […]

Decorate Your Christmas Tree with Cats!

10 cute picture of cats that add spice on a Christmas tree. Are you running short of Christmas tree decors? Why not hang or put a cat as deco, just for a change. Who knows, Santa might love the idea and in return put a bagful of toys underneath. My oh my.. free lunch… My […]

Ten Most Beautiful and Colorful Clownfish

Finding Nemo! have you seen that great animated film? If so then you, could you give me what kind of fish is Nemo? Don”t no or not sure what to answer then read on to know where to classify Nemo… Clownfish belong to the family Pomancentridae comprising about 28 known species from the subfamily Amphiprioninae. […]

The Beautiful and Amazing Sea Star

A list of some popular species of sea star. Sea stars, or popularly called starfish, are from the phylum Echinodermata and falls under the class Asteroidea. They have five arms and display a seemingly radial symmetry. Sea stars have a movable skeleton that aids them in moving and hunting for preys that include: oysters and […]

Extremely Bizarre and Weird Lizards

Some reptile species are simply colorful and beautiful and some are extremely unique and bizarre. You have already seen some of the most unusual-looking reptiles in the article “Weirdest and Bizarre Reptiles in the World”. It’s time to see extremely weird and bizarre lizard species. Mossy Leaf-tailed Gecko The Mossy Leaf-tailed Gecko (Uroplatus sikorae) is […]

Dogs Versus Cats: Take Your Pick

Why cats are better than dogs/why dogs are better than cats. Being an owner of dogs and cats for a number of years, I did make a study about which of the two animals is better to have as pet. And I’ve come to these observations and listed the pro’s and con’s of both animal. […]

15 Weird and Amazing Bird Facts Around The World Part Two

These birds really fascinate the imagination of the human mind. From a small songbird down to a gentle penguin, these avian record holders are truly one-of-a-kind. Here is Part two of 15 Weird and Amazing Bird Facts Around The World. In case you miss the initial post, then go check this link. High Nests The […]

Best Animal Dads

A list of the best animal dads in terms of child-rearing. We all know that raising children is mainly the responsibility of mothers, but in the animal kingdom it doesn’t say so. In this article you will be surprised to find out that there are some male animals that are so good in raising their […]

15 Weird and Amazing Bird Facts Around The World

These birds really fascinate the imagination of the human mind. From a small songbird down to a gentle penguin, these avian record holders are truly one-of-a-kind. Fastest Birds In level flight: The mean estimated speed recorded for a satellite-tagged Grey-headed Albatross (Thalassarche chrysostoma ) is 127 km/h (78.9 mph) sustained for more than eight hours. […]

The World’s Most Beautiful and Eye-catching Butterflies

From a drab-colored to the highly sophisticated multicolored ones — each and every species of butterfly has its own beauty to bragged about. But not all possess unique and distinctive features. So taking all these criteria in mind, Here is a list of the world’s most beautiful and eye-catching butterflies. Read on to learn more. […]