
Our animals

The Colorful Jumping Spiders

A short description of some colorful jumping spider. Salticidae: The Jumping Spiders The jumping spiders include over 500 known genera and more than 5,000 species. Their sizes vary from 3-15 mm (1/8-5/8″) long. In fact, jumping spiders are lovely, with short legs and hairy bodies. They have eyes that are arranged in 3 rows; a […]

The World’s Shaggiest-looking But Somehow Adorable Animals

A list of fuzziest-looking but cute-looking animals animals. These animals have the roughest hair or wool. Their hair or wool may be fuzzy or scrubby but most of them are among the most economically important creatures in the world. Angora Cat photo link One shaggy-looking animal that originated in Ankara, Turkey is the Turkish Angora. […]

Critically Endangered Animal Species of Asia & Australia

Here are the most endangered species of animals in the continents of Australia and Asia. Caracal photo link The Caracal (Caracal caracal) is a medium-sized desert cat related to the lynx. It was once found over large areas of the Middle East and India, but has become increasingly scarce. This cat is one of the […]

The Grant’s Zebra: Life In The Herd

Grant’s zebra is a subspecies of the plains zebra, and rangers aver the dry grasslands of east Africa from Zambia to Ethiopia. It is one of the best-documented species, thanks mainly to the work of Hans Klingel who made a close study of over five 500 specimens over a number of years. photo link In […]

The Mighty Ants

Don’t be deceived by their size! These ants species are definitely ferocious and mighty creatures in their on right. Ants may be small in stature but they are considered one of the most highly sophisticated social insects that roam the Earth. From fire ants that deliver very painful sting to harvester ants that harvest plant […]

House Rabbits

10 popular rabbit breeds that are suitable as pets. Many families find rabbits as good house pets, especially the children, which see them adorable. Pet rabbits kept indoors are referred to as house rabbits. House rabbits normally have an indoor cage and an exercise pen where they are free to run and have some exercises. […]

Here Comes the Big Cat!

A list of popular big cats. Cat species in the genus Panthera that include: tiger, lion, leopard and jaguar are commonly called as big cat. Also in this species are cougar, snow leopard, clouded leopard and cheetah. One main trait these cats have that other smaller cats don’t possess is their ability to roar. Though […]

Seven Colorful Aquarium Fishes with Unique Fins Part 2

More colorful fishes with flamboyant display of fins. Here’s an additional list of colorful aquarium fishes with wonderful fins. Almost all these fishes occasionally make their way into the aquarium trade. Scooter Dragonet photo link Scooter Dragonet (Synchiropus ocellatus) is a colorful fish species with a large-sail like dorsal fin and distinctively beautiful horizontal pectoral […]

The Weird and Odd-Looking Frogfish

Some interesting information about frogfish. Frogfishes are a type of anglerfish that belongs to the family Antennariidae in the order Lophiiformes. The family has over 40 species in 13 genera. Of these, Australia has 23 species in 12 genera. The numbers of species in this family will almost certainly increase as research and collecting continues. […]

Rhino: The Amazing Armour Clad Survivors

Relics of another age, the tank-like rhinos are well-armored against any animal predators, but vulnerable to poaching for their horns. Although their eyesight is poor, rhinos have very well developed senses of smell and hearing. Rhinos are a declining group of mammals. In prehistoric times they were numerous and varied, but today they are heading […]