
Our animals

10 Elite Animals Whose Names Begin with The Letter Q

Meet and learn more from these elite animals whose names begin with the letter Q. From a popular bird hunted for its meat to a cat-like Australian marsupial down to a flamboyant angelfish – they comprise our list of “Q” animals. Quail photo link Quails are several species of medium-sized birds in the dove or […]

The Worlds Most Colorful Land-dwelling Animals

How many colorful mammals can you name? How many reptiles and amphibians can you enumerate? Would you like to own a colorful cat, or a dog? How about a colorful frog or monkey? How about a turtle, a lizard or a snail? Here’s a collection of the most beautiful and most colorful reptiles, amphibians and […]

The Carnivores: The Most Exciting and Graceful Animals on The Face of The Earth – Part 2

Carnivores have become well established in all the continents except Australia, which became separated from the other continents before the first true carnivores evolved. In relatively recent times, many species introduced to Australia by man have escaped into the wild, and have formed thriving populations. These include the dingo, or Australian wild god, a descendant […]

The World’s Most Colorful Winged Creatures

Here’s a list of the most beautiful and most colorful winged creatures. Flying creatures are the most amazing animals in the world. They are the reasons why we wanted to fly. Unfortunately, not all creatures have the capability and opportunity to fly. Most Colorful Leafhopper photo link We often view insects as pests, but some […]

Cats Amazing Sleep Behaviors

10 photos showcasing some interesting and amazing facts about cat’s sleep behaviors. It is a general fact that cats sleep a lot. On average, a cat spends about 13-18 hours a day sleeping! These felines do this to conserve energy. There are several factors that contribute to this cat behavior, including age, personality, environment and […]

The Gorgeous Golden Retriever – The Right Dog for You

Are you planning to own a companion dog? The golden retriever, a very popular dog breed, might be the right dog for you. Check out the dog”s profile here: photo link The Golden Retriever originated in Scotland in 1800s. Lord Tweedmouth developed the first litter by crossing a male yellow-colored Retriever with the now extinct […]

10 Amazing Mammals Considered as Living Fossils

From a rabbit-like deer to a giraffe-like mammal, this is a list of 10 amazing mammals, scientists considered as ‘living fossils. “Living fossils” are plants or animals that were once known to have been extinct for millions of years. But then, survived the test of time and are now found to be alive. Read on […]

Bizarre Insects and Arachnids: 30 Surprising and Fascinating Facts

Here’s a long list of the most amusing and awesome insects and arachnids in the world. Insects are the most numerous species of animals in the world. Here’s a long list of the most amusing and awesome insects and arachnids in the world. 1.) Locust photo link Would you believe that there can be up […]

Basset Hound: The Famous Hush Puppies

Interesting facts about the dog breed Basset hound – the famous Hush Puppies. Dear dog lover, I’ve heard in the dog community news that you are planning to acquire a dog that suits your need. I believe I am the type of dog you are looking for. Here is my personal profile for you to […]