
Our animals

The Zany Animals whose Names Start with Z

Just to enrich our knowledge about the animal kingdom; here are seven animals whose names start with the letter “Z”. Zigzag Salamander photo link The Northern Zigzag Salamander (Plethodon dorsalis) is relatively small as compared to other salamander. It is only about six to 11 cm long. Zigzag salamander’s abdomen carries white and reddish orange […]

Intriguing Animals Whose Names Start with The Letter I

From a one-horned rhinoceros, to a rare Japanese cat, down to the biggest living lemur… meet these intriguing animals whose names start with the letter “I”. Indri photo link The Indri (Indri indri), along with the Diademed Sifara are the world’s largest living lemurs. Also called the Babakoto, this diurnal tree-dweller inhabits the lowland and […]

Unique Relatives of Seven Famous Animals

A compilation of seven unique animals that are seldom mentioned, and always outshone by their more famous, closest relatives. Have fun knowing them. Okapi photo link The Okapi (Okapia johnstoni) is an unusual animal living at high altitudes in the rainforests of Congo, in central Africa. It was only discovered by scientists in 1901. With […]

Philippine Spotted Deer: The World’s Rarest Deer!

The Philippines’ biodiversity is truly amazing that it is haven to some of the world’s smallest faunas and floras as well as home to what many believe as the world’s rarest deer. Read on to learn more about this fascinating animal — the Philippine spotted deer. photo link The Philippine Spotted Deer (Rusa Alfredi) is […]

Fascinating Animals Whose Names Begin with The Letter “C”

Natures present us with beautiful, strange, odd and fascinating creatures. The animal kingdom itself have millions of amazing and special species that many of us have not known or seen. Below is a list of 10 fascinating animals whose names begin with the letter C. 1. Capybara photo link A capybara is a semi-aquatic mammal […]

Wacky Bird Beaks

Have it crossed your mind, why some birds have such wacky beaks and how they manage to eat? Read on to learn more about these birds with oddly-shaped beaks. Bearded Barbet photo link A member of the woodpecker family, the bearded barbet is a resident breeder in tropical west Africa. This African bird is about […]

The World’s Most Strange Sea Creatures

From an alien-looking fish, to a leafy sea dragon, down to leaping fish that can live on lands, these sea creatures are not only amazing, but are truly strange-looking! Below is a list showing the World”s 10 most strange sea creatures. Leafy Sea Dragon photo link Its name will perhaps chill one to death. However, […]