
Our animals

The Watchful Meerkats – Now You See, Now You Don’t

Interesting facts about Meerkat! Meerkats are such fascinating and a joy-to-watch animals. Here is a list of some interesting facts about the desert “comedians”. photo link Meerkats (Suricata suricatta), also known as suricates, are small, diurnal, burrowing mammals widespread on the plains of the Kalahari Desert in South Africa. On average, they weigh about 731 […]

10 Unique and Remarkable Dragonflies

Dragonflies are flying insects that don’t look like dragons at all. Although they don’t resemble dragons, these flying critters are among the most amazing fliers in the world- they can fly forward, backward and sideward. Aren’t they amazing? Dragonflies are very helpful to humans because they feed on mosquitoes. And yes, like Damselflies, some dragonfly […]

The Stunning Seabirds

Whether on land or flying or across bodies of water, these marine birds demonstrate remarkable and stunning behaviors. Blue-Footed Booby The Blue-footed Booby (Sula nebouxii), is a marine bird that lives off the warm coastal waters of Central and South America, in particular the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador. Aside from its signature blue feet, the blue-footed […]

Bizarre Insects and Arachnids: 30 Surprising and Fascinating Facts Part 3

Here’s our final entries on our long list of the most amusing and awesome insects and arachnids in the world. Insects are the most numerous species of animals in the world. Here’s a long list of the most amusing and awesome insects and arachnids in the world. 1.) Wasp photo link Wasps are awesome insects. […]

The Big Birds Part 2

A list of the largest birds in their respective order. There are more than 10,000 species of birds found all over the globe. They range in sizes, colors, and habitat. But do you know what is the largest in each bird ‘s order? This concise article answers your question. Gamebirds (Galliformes) The Wild Turkey (Meleagris […]

Big Birds Part 3

A list of the largest birds in their respective order. There are more than 10,000 species of birds found all over the globe. They range in sizes, colors, and habitat. But do you know what is the largest in each bird ‘s order? This concise article answers your question. Parrots (Psittaciformes) photo link The endangered […]

Bizarre Insects and Arachnids: 30 Surprising and Fascinating Facts Part 2

Here’s 10 more creatures on our long list of the most amusing and awesome insects and arachnids in the world. Insects are the most numerous species of animals in the world. Here’s a long list of the most amusing and awesome insects and arachnids in the world. 1.) Leafcutter Ant photo link Leafcutter Ants can […]

Seven Colorful Aquarium Fishes with Unique Fins

The fishes on the list below are popular aquarium pets due to their bright coloration, unique appearance and flamboyant display of fins making them unique aquatic pets. Red Lionfish: photo link The Red Lionfish (Pterois volitans) is a beautiful and colorful coral reef fish with extravagantly pretty fins. The pectoral fin of this venomous beauty […]

The Big Birds

A list of the largest birds in their respective order. There are more than 10,000 species of birds found all over the globe. They range in sizes, colors, and habitat. But do you know what is the largest in each bird ‘s order? This concise article answers your question. Flamingos (Phoenicopteriformes) photo link The Greater […]

Hummingbirds of North America: Small But Beautiful

A list of some North American hummingbirds. Read on to see and learn interesting facts about these small but beautiful birds. The Trochilidae or hummingbirds, is one of the largest bird families with three hundred and thirty-eight species. One hundred twenty of these species are found in North America. These hyperactive hummingbirds are widely known […]