Dwarf cats are unusual and popular. People are interested in them. However, breeding them faces some controversial issues. Some people think that the dwarf breeds have been developed deliberately through some form of genetic engineering, resulting in some kind of monster cat! Read on to learn more about these dwarf cats.
Several numbers of cat breeds fall under the “dwarf cat” category- manifesting genetic mutation, particularly the shortening of front legs, resulting to dwarfism. Founding parents have been deliberately selected and development stages are still undergoing to ensure a “normal” and unique breed be produced.
These cats are bizarre yet gaining tremendous popularity. More people are interested in them. However, Dwarf cats are a very controversial issue, where many animal rights advocates deemed the breeding of these cats are illegal. The opposing sectors, voiced out that it is inhumane to breed cats with a deformity just to cater to the whims of others who fancy these dwarf cats. Read on to learn more about these popular but dwarf cats and perhaps you can decide which side are you with.
Munchkin Cat
Though prior sightings were reported as early as the 1940s, the Munchkin cat gains worldwide recognition through a television program only in 1991.A small to medium sized cat with short legs, munchkins are exceptionally skilled at climbing and jumping. Coats come in various hair lengths and colors They are described as intelligent, agile, outgoing, sweet-natured, sociable, playful, and fast runners.
Skookum Cat
The Skookum cat is a cross between Munchkins and LaPerms, developed by Roy Galusha in the mid 1990s. It is registered with the TICA as an experimental breed. It is a small to medium-sized cat with curly coat and short legs, as well as curled eyebrows and whiskers. Skookum comes in two versions – the “short hair” version and the “long hair” version. Coats too, come in varieties of colors and patterns. They are affectionate, confident, outgoing, playful, and fun loving.
Kinkalow Cat
Another experimental breed as recognized by the International Cat Association (TICA), the Kinkalow was developed by Terri Harris in 1995. The breed, a cross between a Munchkin cat and an American Curl, produces litters with short legs and curled ears. It has a compact and stocky body, silky soft fur, very long tail, and come in various colors and patterns. Kinkalows are quite intelligent, friendly, gentle, and playful cats.
Bambino Cat
This stocky cat with short legs is the result of crossbreeding the Munchkin Cat and the Canadian Sphynx. An experimental new cat breed, it was developed by Pat and Stephanie Osborne in 2005. Another hairless cat, Bambino has medium-sized, sturdy body, strong and well-muscled neck, large lemon-shaped eyes, large and upright ears, short and powerful legs. They are alert, agile, loving, outgoing and sociable cats.
Napoleon Cat
Named after the French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, the cute Napoleon cat is a new cat breed developed by Joe Smith in 1996. A cross between the Munchkin cat and the Persian Cat, the breed is characterized by its extremely short legs and a baby doll-faced with round, expressive eyes. It has a muscular body, a rounded head, short nose, small with rounded tips ears, and tail that is well proportioned to its body. Napoleon cat comes in two coat types — plush and soft, Shorthaired version; the soft, and straight Longhaired version. Also, the breed comes in two versions – the Standard “short-legged” version and the Non-standard “long legs.” Napoleon cats are laid-back, friendly, affectionate and sociable.
Minskin Cat
The Minskin is relatively a new breed of cat developed by Paul McSorley in 1998 and is registered with TICA as an experimental breed. This dwarf cat is a cross between a Munchkin and a Sphynx. The breed is characterized by its soft, thinly coated skin. Minskin has a muscular sturdy body, small rounded head, wide set, large round eyes, large with rounded tips ears, short legs and a very long tail. It comes in all colors and patterns, such as including solids, shaded, bi-color, tabby patterns, and tortoise shells. Minskins are affectionate, energetic, intelligent, friendly, outgoing, playful and good hunters.
Lambkin Cat
The Lambkin cat is a cross between the Munchkin (a dwarf cat) and the Selkirk Rex (a non-dwarf cat). The result is a hybrid cat having a curly coat and a very long body. This short-legged cat is registered with The International Cat Association (TICA).
Genetta Cat
The Genetta Cat is the forerunner of the next generation’s exotic breed of dwarf cats. This short-legged cat that resembles a spotted African gent was created by Shannon Kiley in 2006. Still in the developmental stages, it is the result of crossbreeding the Munchkin Cat, the Savannah Cat, the Oriental Shorthair and the Bengal cat. At present, this hybrid cat is registered with the International Cat Association (TICA) as an Experimental Breed. A standard Genetta stands around 4 to 8 in tall at shoulder length. It has a very long body, a glossy coat, short legs, big with rounded tips ears, large green to brown eyes, and a very long tail. Colors range from black, silver, white, brown, or snow spotted. Genettas are very energetic, intelligent affectionate, friendly, and playful.
Dwelf Cat
Our last entry, the Dwelf cat, is the result of crossbreeding the Munchkin cat, the Sphynx, and the American Curl. This hairless cat with slightly curled ears and short legs is presently in its developmental stages. Other features of this hybrid car include: large and almond-shaped eyes; short and muscular neck; very short eyebrows and whiskers; robust and muscular body; short and powerful legs. The DWELF is known to be friendly, sociable, active, and an outgoing cat.
lovely cats for this amazing website…very cool!
i love the lambkin! so cute1 when you look at them, they don't seem like they are products of breeding. they seem to look just fine. hehhe i guess that's why they are loved by many esp on facebook with all those memes!
minskin cats are wayyyy too creepy, it seems like they look malnourished and i remember those were the kind of cats they include when there is a horror movies….
I am not quite sure about experimental cross breeding in cats or any other animals for that matter in relation to results. The lambkin cat looks cute but the dwelf cat looks to me like a different animal already.
I am not exactly sure of how I feel about experimental cross breeding in cats or any other animal for that matter in relation to results.The lambkin cat looks cute but the dwelf cat looks like a different animal already.
The Napoleon cat is my favorite!
More hybrid cats are on the market because of some pet owners with passion. Maybe good or maybe bad in some aspects.
The Dwelf look like a cat and an elf and looks really weird.
It's just me though, I never really liked cats. I would prefer dog than having a cat.
I would love to have one of those Genetta cats!
something to know when you don't know more about different kinds of cats, i like the Dwelf Cat as it doesn't have much hair.
They all look cute to me. However, I have no hope in having a cat for house pet. The husband has an aversion to cat coz of a childhood unsavory experience with a cat (sigh).
some of them looks super cute, some looks creepy
hmmm, but I should not judge the cat by its look, hopefully, there are all cute within!! 
Although I am not a big fan of cats, I think the lambkin is the cutest. Regarding experimental cross-breeding, I think this is not a good thing. Cross breeding can bring about health problems to the offspring that can compromise their life span. I think these breeders should go back and review Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection.
Ang cute nilang lahat! I admit I have always been a pup person but all these pictures is quite a change of heart. I wanna cuddle the munchkin cat!